So, rather than a conversion, it was a complete adaptation. How was the conversion process? Schultz: Although the XBox & Smartphone devices do share 3D capability, obviously their functions and capabilities are vastly different. IGN Wireless: Even though the Smartphone version is 3-D, there are certainly differences between an Xbox and a Smartphone. With our 3D game physics, vehicles fly and crash into each other in all directions when hit as a result, no two races are exactly alike! Other subtle camera effects included when players hit the gas or slam on the brakes to get to the next checkpoint, or hit that hard-to-reach jump for an added speed bonus, bending and twisting in the air, to come flying back down to the street with a satisfying crash! such effects are only possible with 3D. For example, in the 3D wireless version players can change camera views from following safely from the rear of the vehicle to the seat-of-your-pants driver's view with just a button press.
#Midtown madness 3 soundtrack full#
The Java and Brew versions are in isometric 2-D views where as the Windows Mobile version for Smartphones offers a full 3-D experience. IGN Wireless: How does the 3-D version of MTM differ from the 2-D version? Schultz: To start, they are both fun games! We set out from the beginning to not let the difference between display technologies change the fact that the game should be fun no matter what technologies we're used. Naturally, some concessions have to be made. We we're constantly faced with challenges in remaining faithful to the spirit & fun of the original XBox game, while keeping the mobile version?s size low and its FPS high. We really appreciate the help of Pete Wong at Microsoft Racing Games for his excellent expertise! IGN Wireless: What we're some of the obstacles in turning a 3-D console game into a 2-D game that fits on a basic handset? Schultz: Not many know this, but most wireless games are only about 100 kilobytes in size, including all code, sounds, & art! Not to mention the fact that the processing power of the average 2D capable phone is quite literally a billion time less than the XBox! Needless to say, the obstacles are huge in bringing a best-selling XBox title over to wireless mobile phones. All throughout the wireless game?s five-month development, they proved helpful in reviewing and providing constructive feedback on the latest versions. we?re talking gigs and gigs of data here! In addition, Microsoft provided copies of the XBox game for the two team's working on wireless versions to reference. For Midtown Madness 3 Mobile, they we're extremely pro-active in ensuring that our production team had access to all of the original XBox art and audio resources. IGN Wireless: How involved was Microsoft in the process of getting Midtown Madness on handsets? Schultz: Every step of the way, Microsoft proved exceptional in understanding and accepting the challenges that exist in bringing quality game IP. Microsoft was looking for a mobile game publisher with the capability to not only create a game worthy of the franchise, but also have the network to distribute the game to handsets worldwide. The popularity of Microsoft?s Midtown Madness series, combined with In-Fusio?s strengths in wireless game design, publishing and production, seemed like a winning combination. Levi Buchanan, IGN Wireless: Could you comment how Microsoft got involved in getting its game on wireless devices? Joe Schultz, Senior Game Designer, IN-FUSIO: While evaluating premium game IPs for wireless, we at In-Fusio naturally looked to Microsoft as a strong potential partner. We convinced Joe Schultz, Senior Game Designer at IN-FUSIO, to take a few minutes to chat with IGN Wireless about the differences between the two versions, the development process itself, and the gathering ranks of console games making debuts on mobile screens. In fact, the deal spans two games ? one in glorious, full 3-D for Smartphones, the other a 2-D game that more basic handsets can wrap their processors around.Finally, after many, many weeks in development, IN-FUSIO is ready to show off first screens of the 2-D version of the game.

Months ago, IN-FUSIO announced a deal with Microsoft Game Studios to create a mobile title based on the popular driving game, Midtown Madness 3.