The methods Class.getField(String name) and Class.getFields() methods only return public fields, so they won't work. There are four methods for getting the constructors of the class. Getting constructors of the class using reflection. Refer Reflection in Java - Field to read in detail about reflection API for field. On a single Field object which returns true if the field is privateġ) If you need only the fields of the the class without the fields taken from the class hierarchy you could simply use: Field fields = () Ģ) If you don't want to reinvent the wheel and get all the fields of a class hierarchy you could rely upon Apache Commons Lang version 3.2+ which provides FieldUtils. To access a private field you will need to call the Class.getDeclaredField(String name) or Class.getDeclaredFields() method. There is one private field in ChildClass.java, getDeclaredFields() method shows that field.

Eventually, you get the type of the fields with the. You could filter the Fields using Modifier.isPrivate: import If we want to access Private Field and method using Reflection we just need to call setAccessible(true) on the field or method object which you want to. Note that getDeclaredFields() will not return inherited fields.